Sunday 16 June 2013

to the swimming pool I go...

Tomorrow there will be rain and the temperature will go down, but this week we had lovely hot weather here in the sierra, so I thought I should make the most of the beautiful day while the sunshine lasts. Walking 30 minutes from my flat towards the narrow end of the valley, with the Jalama to one's left,

one reaches the parking lot for the swimming pools.

There are two, a shallow and another very deep, which I prefer. To get there I walk past the drinking fountain, with its lovely icy cold water.

But I like to stay at the other end of the pool so that I can lie on the stones and hear the water.

The problem is that it is really hard to get in, as the water is PAINFULLY cold. One can go in little by little or just plunge, but to be honest it makes no difference as both ways are equally hard. 

But once in, after the initial cramps are gone, it is just so wonderful to swim and then, afterwards, lie on the hot stones to get warm,

listening to the birds, to the water, and being able to look at the beautiful peak in the background...

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